Thursday, November 20, 2014

"Lovey Dovey Crap"


If there's one thing I ABSOLUTELY HATE, it's overly obsessive PDA (public displays of affection) and excessive use of social medias to express said "love".  Makes me SICK.

You know those people that have to post on their boyfriend's (or whatever the hell) Facebook everyday.  They never fucking post anything substantial.  EVER.  It's always like "Here's a list of Questions for You to Answer that Don't Actually Tell me Anything Salient or Notable About Yourself" or "Here's Quiz for You to Take that Actually Lowers Your IQ but You Won't Realize it Until it's Over".

It's NEVER a poem or a song they wrote or read that was actually romantic or just plain interesting or even relevant to ANYTHING.

My blood especially boils when  I see those, "I just wish I could see your SMILE. "  Sounds like something the Joker would say right before he jams a pencil through your temple.  Weird.  Weird.  The truly sad thing is that 10/ 10  (I have science on my side for this one) couples that do this shit, DO NOT work out.  It's just a phase for them.  It means NOTHING, and this sort of " lovey dovey crap"  always starts WAY too early in the relationship.  I'm talking like 2 weeks in.  WTF is all I am trying to say.  This is just another on a long list of things I HATE about my generation, and it really shows in people ages 16- 25.  It's just SAD, just plain sad and stupid.


FYI:   I fixed all the links in my previous posts that were acting FUNKY.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


What to talk about..... what to talk about........\

I've been organizing my room like a mad man (or woman).  I have lovely labeled drawers on the shelf on my art/sewing table.  I have organized stack able totes in my closet.  Everything is PRISTINE! 

I have organized my under the bed rolling totes into 4 categories.  Extra blankets/sheets, sex costumes, BDSM gear, and extra pillows.   Nothing strange about that, right?

Moving on,  I cleaned my car.

I have been stuck in the glove aisle of Menards for 2 weeks because it was so backed up on downstocking and freight that I literally was close to drowning in gloves.  Also I hate gloves.  People just trash the aisle everyday.  Why is it so hard to just put things back where you found them?  You grabbed them from there not 30 seconds before, do you not remember and just give up after 2 seconds of looking and throw them on the floor?  WTF?

There was this one lady who looked like an Eddie Bauer model who came in to buy some ladies gloves.  This is the series of events that transpired between the two of us in the next 5 minutes.

1.  She picked a pair out.

2.  She pulled them apart letting the tags hit the floor, to try them both on.

3. She looked around for a second, making eye contact with me.

4.  Looks a gloves and breifly looks to put them back.

5.  Looks at me again and throws them on the floor.

I was like:

6.  She then looks at gloves on floor, then back at me, with the most horrible look, indicating that I should pick them up.

The look conveyed every hurtful thing that a member of upper class can say to a member of lower class..  " Because I'm better than you, society wise, you have to pick those up and clean up my mess.  You can't say a damn word about because you might get fired.  Pick them up, slave."

7.  I was appalled and flabbergasted. How the hell could someone treat someone else like that?  In that setting no less.


I tried to play it cool, but I couldn't help myself.
As she was walking away and I was all like THIS:

Sunday, October 26, 2014


As I sit here creeping on old friends facebooks, I think about all the things I will remember about them and they won't even remember me in ten years.  Details about them, something nice they did, I remember so much and yet so little.


When I worked in the paint dept. there was a woman who had a tattoo on the inside of her wrist and I asked her what it was for.  Back when she just got married she got matching ones with the love of her life, the lyrics of their song, the first dance song, THAT song.  The song was Everything I Do by Bryan Adams.  (cheesy I thought)  She had the words, "Everything I Do" and he had "I Do It For You."  For all of time I will always remember her every time I hear that song on the radio.  I will remember the glisten of her eyes as she remembered the love they once shared.  She was crass, rude, slightly trashy I might say, but I won't remember those features, just that song.  She won't remember me in 5 years.  She's an alcoholic.  But sometimes, I like to think about people I've met, people who, without knowing it, have influenced my outlook on the world.  They help me better understand the human race, and then myself.

Think about someone from your past, someone who didn't make a huge impact, but did something that made you remember them.  Something that stands out, even though they weren't necessarily a big part of your life.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Me Thinks

Listen to THIS SONG playing in my head as I type this.

I guess I have a lot of things to discuss.  Long time no "see".  As I sip my ice cold Mt. Dew looking at my enormous dish pile which now can talk/breath and is calling me over to it for a mercy kill, I realize not very much as changed.  I have the same roommate I started with.  I am still lonely.  I still feel like nobody knows me. 
 I have been diagnosed  with chronic insomnia, severe depression, and high anxiety. (No, Mel Brooks was not involved.)

Whoa, that went pretty serious. But this one's going to be.

I haven't spoken to my mother in months, except for an awkward dinner.  I think everyone at that dinner was very tense, and it wasn't because of the salsa based meatloaf mound.  I decided last summer that if you think I am a liar, than I see no reason to continue conversing.  There is no trust in that relationship.  We both just stressed each other out.  I think it's best this way.   Feel free to ask me anything, I will honestly answer.  If you don't believe me, than I don't know what to say, I guess you're stuck then.  I did really need my mother last month, but I feel that bridge is burned, if not scorched. 

In other news I got a job at Menards about 3 months ago.  I was in the paint dept, but I was transferred to the Plumbing dept. because my personality clashed with the other members of the team in paint.  It was mainly because Emily, the girl who is most beautiful and headstrong, told me to "go to hell" and to "fuck myself".  I came back from break 15 minutes late.  I didn't even eat my burrito.  I go more into that later, but Emily hates me, and the managers liked me because I worked really hard, but hated me because I'm abnormal.  So it was a wash.

         TO PLUMBING!

So in plumbing I work with a bunch of dudes.  They mostly don't listen or acknowledge anyone who doesn't have a penis.  Which makes it difficult to do my job.  
Also there's a creepy past 40 pot head weirdo always trying to get me to go to his house and help him fix his drapes.  When I asked why possessed him to ask ME of all people to help him with his drapes he replies, " You seemed like someone who liked decorating and such...."  WHAT!?  Why!?  Because I'm a woman!?  "Well...yeah..."   THE HELL!  I held back on the overly feminist verbal beat down because he is old and he won't change.  Anyway, he always wants me climb the ladder and put up overstock so he can watch my ass as I go up and it sickens me.  People these days.  His daughter would be older than me.  Gross.  He started bringing things to work like a pamphlet to a history lecture on criminals from the area.  This sounds cool, but he wants me to go with him and that is not COOL.   

I attract rapey creepers.  This is FACT.   I don't know what it is, people tell me I'm just too nice.  I guess it's time to be a bitch.  

In other news, I've been playing Dead Island, an Xbox 360 game, and find it to be relaxing.  Bashing in the heads of Jersey Shore cast members and overly tan sorority girl zombies is actually quite chill.  I don't like driving the trucks though.  What is up with that?  Grand Thft Auto is the SAME THING, PLEASE MAKE IT EASIER TO DRIVE VEHICLES IN XBOX GAmES!!   You're always running over trees and mailboxes like a drunk after prom joy rider and smacking innocent old ladies in the back of the head with your rear views.  It's messed up.  

I know I'm funny.

Any who.  I'm off to go pick up the dog duty Indy left in my hallway 10 minutes ago.



Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Time to get Serious, Deadly Serious.

I haven't blogged in ages and I think since I'm about to start a transitional period and it's opportune time for it.  Plus since I don't have a phone and such anyone who cares about what's happening in my life can't talk to me.  So here's your way of seeing if I'm alive.

More to come.  


Monday, August 6, 2012

Back to Blogging

Well, some updates are in order....

I have a new roommate, this is good and bad.  Good because my rent is 1/2ed and I like having him around.  Bad because those raves I have alone with my dogs can no longer occur.  It's time to pack up the strobe light and fog machine.  Another unfortunate thing is that I can no longer dance around the house alone wearing a purple poncho and dancing (swaying?) around to Africa.  

I'd say that's enough of the the weird facts about me.  Some may of which could be true.... (raises eyebrow suggestively)

I've been running again... trying to do about 2 miles a day, though I've been tired the last 2 days and not run...  I will today!! Mwhaha!  Or not.

Another goal is to keep the house cleaner this next 2 months.  Make actual efforts.  It's hard, but it's happening. 

Also, I will be going one month without DEW.  This a big deal even though I went almost 2 years without it before, I am SHOCKINGLY (had to be in caps)  more addicted than I was then.  To keep me occupied when I am going through withdrawals I will be making circumstantially appropriate music videos.  I have a few in mind than will knock your socks off.   Hopefully you don't posses any foot odor issues, or we might have to postpone that brilliance.

Lastly, I have taken it upon myself to watch ALL Star Trek EVER, so more updates and opinions on that coming up.


Thursday, November 3, 2011


I have so many pictures to post on here and write about, but I just never seem to have time. Sadly, when I do, I don't have the tools to do so. I will do so as soon as I figure out all this and have some time. A lot has happened in the last few months, and I'm sure my rabid readers are just sweating with anticipation to hear about.
